How To Have Yorick's Maiden Attack Turret Without Dmg

How To Have Yorick's Maiden Attack Turret Without Dmg 7,2/10 3254 votes
  1. How To Have Yorick's Maiden Attack Turret Without Dmg Lyrics

The Maiden of the Mist follows Yorick, leashing back to him if he moves 900 units away from her. Omen The Maiden of the Mist marks her target if they aren't a structure, causing Yorick's next basic attack against them to deal 3 / 6 / 9% of target's maximum health bonus magic damage and consume the mark, which she can then reapply after 2 seconds. If you are in blind pick and really don't have the option choosing your jungler or a counter, just stay alive. Like Unho1y Intent said, if you have the option of losing turret or giving a kill, lose the turret. Do i need a host for dmg audio plugins. Yorick without items is not scary, yorick with even just 2 items (including boots) is very scary.

How To Have Yorick's Maiden Attack Turret Without Dmg Lyrics

As someone who has played Yorick for >400 Rankeds since league system got introduced, i think i can help you with how to lane against him
Basically you really have a hard time winning your lane against Yorick when playing champs like Elise or Kennen against him and vice versa, because any reasonable Yorick will outsustain and zone you mainly because of his e even when 2 kills behind.
The key to shut down Yorick is making use of his most vulnerable phase and that´s pretty much laning between 2 and 6 minutes because that´s when he neither has the mana crystal from tear, nor the additional mana regen. If Yorick decides to spam abilites which are also quite weak at that time, he will run out of mana very fast. As soon as Yorick is oom, there´s hardly any lane pressure he could apply.
In a nutshell, there are 2 ways of how to win your lane vs Yorick:
1. Outtrade him
Basically there are hardly any champions you can outtrade a good Yorick with but Riven and Trundle are the best options here!
Riven is probably the best Yorick counter when it comes to outplaying your opponent
That´s because Riven is at her strongest when Yorick is at his weakest despite people expecting Yorick to be strong 1-3 when he definitely isn´t.
A good Riven player will play very aggressively against Yorick, shielding his ghouls but also zoning him. So whenever Yorick wants to go for cs by auto attacks, he will take insane amounts of free dmg while he can´t sustain the damage taken with e and if he wants to farm with spells, he will run out of mana after few minutes
Apart from those facts, Yorick is very susceptible to Riven all ins at any given time and can´t deal with being behind against Riven at all.
However, you have to know how to play Riven pretty well and press advantage.
Trundle as the 2nd counter for outtrading Yorick doesn´t really require skill at all after his rework. Unfortunately for Yorick players, it really doesn´t matter that much how hard you might shut down Trundle, because he would just all in you with Ult+Ignite+Chomps and maybe Cutlass active while you can hardly trade back with reduced AD.
Not only in lane, but also in teamfights Trundle is rlly rlly annoying for Yorick players because he would drain your life and resistances and become even more annoying than he´s anways.
2. Outsustain him
Outsustaining Yorick is the more common way of how to win your lane against him.
Basically the key for outsustaining Yorick is not dying in lane
No matter if you´re playing Cho, Singed, Nasus, as long as you don´t die in lane and keep up in Cs, Yorick lost his lane.
The most broken counter for Yorick regarding sustain is probably Nasus.
Despite being able to bully Nasus the very first levels, all Nasus has to do is farm his Q and build nothing but armor.
As soon as you hit the 15 minute mark, Nasus will be able to outtrade you with Q dealing ridiculous amounts of dmg while also crippling your trading with wither and possibly his e while also dealing high amounts of dmg with his Ult.
So now we know there are either very few champions to outtrade Yorick in lane or some champions to outsustain Yorick and provide more damage/utility in teamfights later.
Renekton might work as a counter, but neither fits into outtrading, nor rlly into outscaling because of his poor lategame scaling. Renekton is basically a good pick if you want a tie with Yorick unless there´s a huge difference between skill level.
Eventually, i think it should be worth to make one thing clear
Even if there are a handful champs who outscale Yorick because of their scaling nature and gaining free stats, Yorick being built in the right way deals silly amounts of damage lategame while still being extremely tanky because of his passive^^
While Yorick has some serious issues carrying his team mates through mid game because of his poor ganking ability, a farmed Yorick lategame either wrecks the whole enemy team using his ult during certain situations or being pretty much immovable while peeling for his lategame Vayne
Hope i could help you a little bit as far as laning against Yorick is concerned^^
TL;Dr: Riven, Trundle for outtrading, Nasus, Cho, Singed, etc. for outsustaining.
(Also hope i won´t regret talking too much bout how to counter that champ )