How Much Dmg Reduction Is Righteous Deglection

How Much Dmg Reduction Is Righteous Deglection 6,6/10 395 votes
Can someone explain to me the mechanics behind this?
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2018, 8:29:39 PM
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:15:51 AM
You have damage.
It is increased by your 'increased damage' and reduced by your 'reduced damage'.
It is then multiplied by your 'more damage' and your 'less damage'.
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:33:27 AM
What the other guy said.
In math terms, 'increased / decreased' is an additive effect, 'more / less' is multiplicative.
Base Damage * (1 + increased damage - decreased damage) * more damage * less damage
'I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' - Mewtwo
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:39:49 AM
Increased Dmg you add every single 'increased dmg' on gear/passives/gems up and have them altogether as one multiplier.
More Damage is a multiplier for itselfs and affects your base damage as well as your 'increased dmg' from gear/passives.
so lets say 1000 base dmg and 100% increased dmg from gear and 100% from passives.
Gem A gives increased dmg by 100%
Gem B gives more dmg by 100%
A: gear+passive+gem = 300% increased, so 1000*(1+3.0) = 4000 dmg
B: (gear+passive)*gem = 200% increased and 100% more, so 1000*(1+2.0)*(1+1.0) = 6000 dmg
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 8:40:11 AM
Posted by
on Apr 8, 2013, 9:11:58 AM

If the 1 is multiplier, why it is summed up in your calculations. Can you please explain it? I thought that if you do 1000dmg and you get 300% damage increase from the passive, you do 3000dmg, right?
I still do not understand the meaning of more / increased.
Last edited by Jplays on Jan 15, 2014, 9:53:18 PM
Posted by
on Jan 15, 2014, 9:49:19 PM

If the 1 is multiplier, why it is summed up in your calculations. Can you please explain it? I thought that if you do 1000dmg and you get 300% damage increase from the passive, you do 3000dmg, right?
I still do not understand the meaning of more / increased.

1000 + 300% increase = 4000.
Many lewt.
Much desync.
Such rewarding.
According to forum mods 'sandwich' is considered an offensive word. Who knew?
Last edited by Robert_Paulson on Jan 15, 2014, 9:59:02 PM
Posted by
on Jan 15, 2014, 9:58:29 PM
Digging this thread from the grave, got a quick question to ask:
I am guessing without any 'increased damage', having 'more damage' will be not as effective.
So what is the best ratio between increased damage and more damage?
Is it like 1:3 or 1:1 or 3:1?
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:34:03 PM
Most builds aim for around 400-500% increased damage.
Just to reiterate on the original replies the actual damage calculation is:
base_raw_damage = base damage * total_increased * total_more
total_increased = sum of increased / decreased modifiers
total_more = multiplication of all more / less modifiers (so having 2x 50% more damage multipliers isn't a 2x multiplier but a 1.5*1.5 = 2.25x multiplier)
If crit is in play:
base_damage = (base_raw_damage * crit_chance * crit_multiplier) + (base_raw_damage * (1.0 - crit_chance))
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:51:52 PM
more/less are standalone multipliers, increased/reduced stack into one multiplier
more is always the same effective, it just multiplies whatever your actual damage is by given modifier
'increased' relative strength goes down the the higher it is:
* if you already have 300% increased and add 100% increased, then it equals 25% more (multiplier goes from 400% to 500%)
* if you already have 400% increased and add 100% increased, then it equals 20% more (multiplier goes from 500% to 600%)
Posted by
on Apr 9, 2016, 1:54:35 PM

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Passive, Parry to gain high Damage reduction for a short time. Reputation: 0: Level: 1: Heroes. May 24, 2018  The answer to the question in the title is, you dodge every deflection targeting attack in the game, including ones from the final boss. I have always been a fan of wizard in rpg games, I initially started with a pure wizard but got stuck on the final boss due to the fact that I invested heavily in defense but ended up defense and damage both being mediocre, 3 meteor showers wasn't enough to. The feat Righteous Deflection has been stealth nerfed PSA As far as I'm aware, at least for Lawbringer, this feat used to give you 50% damage reduction for around 10 seconds after a parry, it's uptime could also be refreshed while it was still active just by parrying again, making it very useful if you were skillful with parries in gank situations.

Lawbringer feats righteous deflect vs juggernaut? Like the title suggests, I'm curious about the specific damage reduction these both give, if one is greater than the other or not, I can get parries pretty well and like passive feats, but haven't experimented much with juggernaut. Feb 10, 2018  Increased Dmg you add every single 'increased dmg' on gear/passives/gems up and have them altogether as one multiplier. More Damage is a multiplier for itselfs and affects your base damage as well as your 'increased dmg' from gear/passives. So lets say 1000 base dmg and 100% increased dmg from gear and 100% from passives. Apr 17, 2015 IMO between 80 and 90 Deflection is good enough with high Damage Reduction (from 20 to 22/24) for any non-tank solo or main char build. Such stat you can get with even 10 Perception and 10 Resolve with end/mid-game items. Rings, cape, Shield will all let you reach it easly. Per 1% Quality: 1% increased Damage Deals (37-354) to (56-531) Physical Damage 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage + (0-2) to radius Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket., Ethereal Knives Ethereal Knives Spell, Projectile.

Neverwinter GF (Guardian Fighter) Defense, Deflection and Damage Reduction Analysis by xilinear

Having not seen anything on this topic, I did my maths and so far here is what I come up with. This is valid only for a guardian fighter, as of now I didn’t try this on any other class, so if someone could verify these number on their char sheet, I would be glad. Also, GFs are welcome also to check these numbers.

At level 60 (need more feedback from lower levels to verify this).

Or the Mac user can drag the program icon to the 'Applications' folder icon to move it to the 'Applications' directory in macOS.After the software stored in the DMG file is installed, the DMG file is no longer needed. Can i open a dmg file on windows 7. When the DMG file is opened, it a virtual disk on the desktop and in an Apple Finder window as if it was a or a that was just inserted into the computer.In the Finder window, the Mac user can double-click the program icon, which is an APP file, to run the app.

DR(defense,AC) = (AC -10) * 0.5% + 50% * Defense/(1644+Defense)

A spreadsheet showing how this looks like is here:…kE&usp=sharing

Hence, the damage reduction you get from Defense seem to be capped at 50%, overall damage reduction however also uses your AC, so it could in theory be above that (need better gear to be able to verify that),

For deflection, it is not yet clear to me if the deflected damage (already reduced by 50%) still goes through the damage reduction of AC and Defense. My guess is yes for two reasons:

1) If not, then you could in theory (provided the availability of gear of course) have a damage reduction of strictly more than 50% while if deflected it being reduced to 50%…which would make no sense, since having deflection would increase in this case the damage you take :-).

2) The combat log. I went into a zone, agroed one mob and logged the physical damage it did. while the combat log doesn’t state at all if that damage was deflected or not, the floating combat text clearly shows crits (the lightning arrow), normal hits and deflections. In this case the combat log show the actual magnitude of the hit and the damage you take. Here is a quick snippet (please don’t laugh, I wasn’t going to risk this on an epic boss, just some random mob).

[Combat (Self)] Scavenger deals 487 (1036) Physical to you with Claw. normal hit = 53% DR
[Combat (Self)] Scavenger deals 94 (200) Physical to you with Melee Attack. normal hit = 53% DR
[Combat (Self)] Scavenger deals 146 (311) Physical to you with Melee Attack. normal hit = 53% DR
[Combat (Self)] Scavenger deals 487 (1035) Physical to you with Bounding Charge. normal hit = 53% DR
[Combat (Self)] Scavenger deals 48 (206) Physical to you with Melee Attack. deflected hit = 76.7% DR
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Scavenger deals 605 (1287) Physical to you with Claw. normal critical hit = 53% DR
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Scavenger deals 61 (259) Physical to you with Melee Attack. deflected critical hit
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Scavenger deals 92 (393) Physical to you with Melee Attack. deflected critical hit

My overall Damage reduction is currently at (as shown in char sheet) 46.1% this number seem to be incorrect in connection to the actual log since my character seem to consistently shrug more than half the damage. My defense is at 4049, my AC from gear is +20, and I have the shield defense paragon feat (+5) [which seem to be bugged since it display only +1] and the base AC is at (+10), so if my equation is correct :

Wow recount show spell reflect as my dmg free As of patch 3.2 this spell is no longer reflects many spells reflectable prior to 3.2. I won't go into lists of examples, but once such case is using Improved Spell Reflect in Malygos phase 2 (I haven't tested this in 25 man). It seems Spell Reflect has taken yet another kick in the crotch on the PvE side of the game. Feb 22, 2020  Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Recount (Preservation) is an attempt to preserve it through the 2.4 patch and fix up some minor things along the way. If Cryect returns the project really should be wholely his and he can keep or abandon any changes I've made here. For changes see the change log. Feb 08, 2017  100k dps difference between warcraftlogs and recount? Is this normal? I noticed this for almost every fights in heroic i would end up 70-100k less than what recount show, it also appears to be only for me as I noticed others' dps were similiar to recount. Warcraft logs show scrubber damage, just looked my logs up.

DR(defense,AC) = (31 -10) * 0.5% + 50% * 4049/(1644+4049) = 46.06% (close enough to the char sheet)

How Much Dmg Reduction Is Righteous Deflection Mean

If the Paragon feat was working I should then be at :
DR(defense,AC) = (35 -10) * 0.5% + 50% * 4049/(1644+4049) = 48.06% (too far from char sheet and too far from the log)

How Much Dmg Reduction Is Righteous Deflection Lyrics

But then I remembered that I took a feat which is Armor specialization (maxxed), increases the effectiveness of AC and defense by 5%/10%/15%.


1.15 * DR(defense,AC) = [(31 -10) * 0.5% + 50% * 4049/(1644+4049)]*1.15 = 52,97%

I am not claiming this is how Armor specialization works, but the numbers do fit quite nicely. Of course I could respecc and try this out again (but those AD are hard to come by and the cost of a respecc is just out of budget for me right now, If anyone didn’t spec into these points, I would gladly want a chat and experiment with them to verify this).

All in all, one can conclude that :

1- Deflection stacks on top of defense
2- Any hit can be deflected (i.e. normal hits and critical hits), which suggests that the combat model is not a combat table, but a double roll. Basically, the mob rolls its damage (hit, crit), you roll your (hit, deflect).

The combination of defense and deflection could lead to very interesting optimizations. I am still working on the deflection rating vs. deflection chance (didn’t have much gear with deflection so any input numbers are welcome). One thing is certain, that deflection becomes quite useful per point past a certain point in defense, hence, using deflection runes (which have the same budget per point as defense) could be overall more beneficial in overall damage reduction.


I hope this little analysis could be helpful to others, looking forward to feedback and help on these topics. I may have made some mistakes, in that case I apologize for any misdirection this may cause. I also hope the devs answer my ticket and tweets on the +AC paragon feat if it is a bug or just a display bug in the character sheet (so far I really think it is a bug if my previous analysis turn out correctly).

contact ingame: redgar silverkin@xilinear