Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output

Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output 5,8/10 3056 votes
  1. Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output 1
TL;Won't Read: Supports get mobility and tankiness which is what Hecarim wants. Push enemies away with E in laning phase. Heal passively with W as ADC farms. Ult onto enemies for kills.Hey there, Master Fledgling here.Let's get right to it: How am I intending to warp the meta again, and will it be prophetic like Support Trundle was? Not sure.Reasoning behind Hecarim Support: Supports often get to build mobility items and tanky items -- rarely do they get damage unless it's an aggressive 'support' like Pantheon or Gangplank or an AP poke support like [Fill in your support here], but due to Hecarim's passive, he could be a mobile-tanky-damaging support. In my mind, laning would go basically like this:{{item:3069}} {{item:2045}} {{item:1317}} /{{item:1318}} /{{item:1316}} {{item:1315}} Laning would go: Is something bothering your ADC? Push them away with E (Which you are likely maxing first) and Q them a few times to assert dominance. Simple and hopefully effective. From there your build would go into any of:{{item:3742}} {{item:3800}} {{item:3044}} {{item:3057}} {{item:2053}} {{item:3053}} {{item:3024}} From front to back, gives excellent stats and movement, another engage and good stats, two core items that are cheap for hecarim, cheap effective movement that can be left as is (neither item it builds into is superb) good for surviving 'rambo' engages, builds into either an iceborn or a frozen heart, two excellent items for Hecarim.A solid final build would look like:{{item:3069}} {{item:2045}} {{item:1316}} {{item:3742}} {{item:3512}} {{item:3025}} This would give (A level 18) hecarim (116) + (.3 * (20 + 45 + 20 + 60) = 43.5) Extra attack without a SINGLE offensive item. This is not even taking into account possible runes and masteries relating to his passive, nor the active from disc of the sun nor possible being around a tower with point runner. A slightly fed Hecarim support build could look like this too and get even more damage buffs:{{item:3069}} {{item:2045}} {{item:1316}} {{item:3742}} {{item:3078}} {{item:3056}} That one gets the movement buff from the 8% on trinity and it's Phage procs, the Ohmwrecker encouraging tower dives. Which, if you manage to get your mitts on a trinity force, you might as well be a normal Hecarim.Summoner Spells: {{summoner:4}} {{summoner:6}} {{summoner:7}} {{summoner:12}} All good, all movement based.That's it for now. This has me very excited to do more testing with it! Wish me luck! Let me know what you think in the comments below!-MFEDIT - after a few rounds of testing, the best build thus far has been:{{item:3069}} {{item:2045}} {{item:1316}} / {{item:1321}} {{item:3025}} All are pretty cheap and make your maxed first E's chunk people and towers (it's pretty hilarious.) From there, all of these make sense given the team you are against, how ahead you are, how often you need your ult for teamfighting, etc, etc, etc:{{item:3742}} {{item:3190}} {{item:3053}} {{item:3512}} {{item:3065}} {{item:3102}} {{item:3110}} {{item:3222}} {{item:3142}} {{item:3071}} {{item:3035}} {{item:3056}} {{item:3075}} {{item:3026}} {{item:3172}} {{item:3083}} {{item:3143}}

Lets just say that waiting 8 sec before conqueror falls off is not the ideal way of approaching the fight, especially when its hecarim and he can just peace out on 600 movement speed:D. Hecarim is really great for Twisted Treeline (excellent solo top) and Dominion. He's got really high speed and is a decent jungler. Skyrim bows do more sneak dmg mod. The trick is to build him a bit tanky so that he can sustain. He can gank well and run away from ganks using his Devastating Charge. Apart from that he has a heal and a decent Ulti.



Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output 1

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