Does Leblancs Clones Auto Deal Dmg

Does Leblancs Clones Auto Deal Dmg 8,3/10 4510 votes
If you have any cool tips/tricks when utilizing these clones, post them here!
My own tips:
If you clone and you're at low health, make the clone run away and leave yourself autoattacking. They will often go for the clone and stop shooting the real you. Especially in Shaco's case, they won't want to attack the 'clone' as it will self destruct if they kill it. This can buy you time for your escape cooldowns to run down.
Send you and your clone opposite directions. Yes after a few seconds it will reach the end of its leash and teleport back to you. However, to keep you in sight they will have to pick a clone, and unless they are organized they are not likely to split up.
Use your clone to block Caitlyn's ultimate. Surprisingly simple but still hilarious when she shoots a fake.
Feel free to add your own. If I have the time and find it awesome enough, I'll stick it up here on the first post.
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Wow on scrren dmg displays. Jul 26, 2012  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.

You can get up to two auto attacks from your clone which obviously increases the damage of you combo. Not only this, but if you have a Hextech Revolver, you can proc the passive twice (once with yourself, once with the clone). Dec 23, 2017  Phase Rush Phase Rush seems to be the best rune for Tankblanc, solely for the tenacity boost. The longer tankblanc survives, the more she can both other people. The Ultimate Hat With just a few casts of LeBlanc 's ultimate, (which has a very short cd), you'll have 15% additional cdr for your ultimate, meaning you can double Ethereal Chains more often.

Does Leblanc's Clones Auto Deal Dmg Free

Clones will proc on hit effects.
Frozen mallet on Le blanc is so much troll.
u can also block thigns like ashes ult
but u can also dodge almost any spell if u (in shacos case) use halucinate right when its about to hit you, since your invulnerable/not there for 1 second. It might also work with leblanc but u cant really control when you clone.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Alt-click to move the clone. If you want to move yourself in one direction and hallucinate in another direction, alternate clicking and alt-clicking to confuse the enemy.
Playing as annie in lane (if you didn't manage to kill the enemy with your ult), use to zone the enemy. If the enemy tries to take creeps, move tibbers in to auto attack/do AoE damage.
Does leblanc
Thanks to Mowen, WrATHofVuLK, and AlexanPT for the signatures! Check out Tristana: The Lane Game, Maokai: The Chu8 Way, and Twisted Fate: Card Games!
move into the brush and run both directions to confuse the hell out of your opponent. Makes it all 50/50 they go after the right one.

Auto Deal Israel

This is a tip for when your ally has a clone and you're someone like Galio who can give a shield.
Give a shield to the CLONE not the player (e.g. LeBlanc) because LeBlanc is gonna die regardless of if there's a shield or not (omg so squish), but the enemy might be tricked into thinking the shielded one is the real player.
May or may not work, idk. Worked for me before.

Tristana: A Lameo's In-Depth GuideYouTube Channel
Never bluff a monkey..
Best tip of dem all.
If you revive LeBlanc's close with a Zilean ult when it times out, it'll exist forever until it dies from damage. They begin to deal damage from auto attacks then.
I really want to create a clone army of LeBlancs now.
There are few ways of using clones, usually to juke or block skillshots (If they can be controlled). Sending yourself to be a bait for your clone does work, with an element of danger (Dumb opponents don't fall for that trick :P)
Amumu Guide :D
Eve guide :D
Hope whatever I say helps! :D
PS : Not all my criticism is good. Most of the time, I just talk like that anyway. So forgive me if you get offended, unless you just can't look from my angle, or at least close enough.

Stand still when your running away, you'd be amazed how many people run right past you. Then you can actually use your clone when they are away from you to escape :)

If I helped you, or if someone else helped you, +rep that person!

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Does Leblanc's Clones Auto Deal Dmg Download

Problem is my silly little people is that if a Leblanc gets fed 3-4 kills early that sets her up to dominate and from then on its almost impossible to stop her. Her sheer Burst DMG early game is insane and will push any enemy in their lanes fast, the Dash skill is enough to push anyone to their tower let alone if its followed up by Q which it always is and then Dash back out, this makes her perfect for tower diving, 1 hit from tower and you've got a kill.
They will push each lane with Leblanc and you can do nothing to stop her, so then your stuck in your base without a way to level/farm for fear of getting 2 shot by Leblanc. This isnt even considering the rest of the enemy team. You try buying any form of MR early game with a strong Leblanc you cannot, you cant make the money to buy it. If somehow you manage to get some MR your then left weak and unable to deal any form of decent DMG because you have no DMG Items just your MR.
Any normal Leblanc i will agree is easy to counter, but you get someone who knows what they are doing and its impossible, MR or not!